Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Quilt top completed for QOV

I finished my quilt top for my Quilt of Valor donation.  Pretty pleased with it.  I struggled a bit with the sashing.  I wanted it to be just right and have all the blocks line up but that proved to be difficult.  I put it to the side for a bit to give myself time to relax and ease the frustration so that when I came back to it it would be with clarity.  And it worked!  Now I just need to sandwich it and quilt it, make a presentation bag and send it off for donation.  :)  Yippee!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Connecting Threads Mystery Quilt

Sorry for my long absence.   I started a new job that has taken up much of my time.  But I have still been quilting as it provides me with comfort.  Best form of therapy in the world! 

In April I joined a Mystery Quilt group through the connecting threads community board.  I did this last year and started the project but have yet to finish it.  This years quilt was only 3 parts and was a smaller scale quilt so was faster and easier to complete.  

The fabric I chose was from the "Guess How Much I Love You" fabric line.  This is one of my favorite children's books. 

This was my first time doing a border like this and I could easily add another border to make it bigger.  But for now I am liking it as is.  It's super cute and cuddly.  Now I just need to sandwich it and then quilt and bind.  This is my first completed quilt top this year.  I have a goal to complete at least 4 so not too bad so far.  I am about 75% complete on another one so I feel confident I will reach my goal.
