Monday, February 10, 2014

The True Beginning

I never did any of the shows in Middle School, I was WAY too shy to get cast in anything.  Plus the GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) teacher directed the plays and 9 times out of 10 she would cast her students, which I was not. 

Determined to break out of my shell I decided to take drama in high school my freshman year.  Our drama teacher was awesome.  He was this funny little man with messed up hair and smelled like coffee ALL the time.  Made sense since he was always super hyper. 

He cast me in the lead of "I Remember Mama" my first semester!  I was nervous as heck but he helped me through it.  It was only a small portion of the show so that helped.  I did pretty good for a first timer.  For the spring show he asked me to be the Stage Manager for Steel Magnolias.  I was more than happy to do so.  I was not ready to act in a full length show.  However, the girl that played Clairee was also on the varsity track team and was at a track meet in Santa Maria, CA, the high school was in Ventura, CA and Santa Maria is a couple hours away.   She should have made it back in time but there was a horrible accident on the 101 that day that delayed her by HOURS.  By showtime she was still not at the theatre.  The show must go on so since I knew most of the lines and the blocking, they dressed me up, put some makeup on me and threw a script inside a magazine so I could use it while onstage.  AGH!!!!!!

But I did it.  Luckily I only had to do it for 1 act, thank goodness!   I was shaking soooooo much but the rest of the cast was so supportive and helped me the whole way.   By doing this I was free of my shell and the following year was able to perform on my own in Our Town as Mrs. Stimson, the music teacher.  (We had to do cross-gender casting often since boys at my school didn't think drama was cool).   My senior year was my favorite performance of my high school career though.  We did The Man Who Came to Dinner and I was the doctor.  I made my role the comedic relief and it worked.  Had such a great time doing that show.

My stage fright and shyness had pretty much disappeared at that point.  In looking back on my choice to following acting I am glad I did it because without it I don't know if I would be where I am today.  I currently work as a Contracts Negotiator and without the skills I learned in acting I don't think I would be as successful as I am today.  I wouldn't have the courage or confidence to speak in front of others and have conviction in what I believe in.  So I am forever thankful for the time spent in developing those skills so I can be successful today.

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